High-Quality SEO Leads: How Do You Get Them?

High-Quality SEO Leads: How Do You Get Them?

The world of SEO products and services is becoming more and more competitive as the online world matures more and more. More companies and individuals are looking for competent SEO agencies and professionals to do their SEO, but how do you find and get them?

In this article, we will explore different strategies on how to secure high-quality SEO leads, from aggressive strategies like targeted approaches and comparatively passive strategies like building and maintaining an online presence.

SEO agency professional getting high-quality SEO leads

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Wait, what are “high-quality” SEO leads?

SEO leads are great. They can turn into real and paying clients who can keep your SEO business afloat. But high-quality SEO leads are even better. They are more likely to convert to real and paying clients, build your reputation in the industry, and may help you get even more leads and clients. SEO leads come in many forms and sizes, but you know they are high-quality when they have these characteristics:

  • They are looking for an SEO partner, not just a one-time service provider. Many SEO leads think that SEO is a one-time thing where you optimize their online presence once and call it a day. But high-quality SEO leads know that SEO is a long-term game. They need a partner who can be with them in the long run.
  • They have specific SEO needs that align with your expertise. Many SEO agencies and professionals niche down since SEO is such a big space. You know SEO leads are high-quality when they align with your niche. These leads will trust you more and are more likely to turn into real SEO clients because they know you can provide what they specifically need.
  • They have realistic budgets and scopes. Some leads have unrealistic expectations. They want a homerun SEO campaign with a very limited budget. High-quality leads know that SEO is an investment. Their SEO budgets align with their goals and objectives.

How to get high-quality SEO leads

1. Target niche markets

Focus your marketing efforts on specific niches. When you specialize in specific industries and niches, you are more equipped to meet the needs and wants of the SEO leads in these markets. Once you specialize and build a reputation in these markets, the SEO leads you will get in these will be considered high-quality since they are more likely to convert to paying clients, and when they do, they can further build your reputation and authority in these markets.

  • Actually understand the niche inside and out. Do in-depth market research about the niche. Understand the usual pain points, needs, wants, and business goals and objectives of businesses and individuals in the niche. This way, you will be able to address them in your SEO products and services completely.
  • Develop SEO products and services that address the needs and wants of these markets. Get high-quality SEO leads by providing products and services these leads actually want. These products and services should address the usual pain points of the industry or niche, the needs and wants of the typical business and individual involved in this market, and usual business goals and objectives.
  • Reach out to potential leads. Once you are equipped with the right knowledge, products, and services for the industry or niche, you are ready to reach out to SEO leads within the market. There are many ways to do outreach, such as content marketing, email marketing, and even attending relevant events and networking. These ways will be expanded later.

2. Optimize for local SEO

Optimize your website, social media profiles, business profiles, and other online assets for local SEO. This way, local businesses looking for an SEO agency or professional who understands the local scene can easily find you. Local leads are considered high-quality leads because they are already in your vicinity, service area, and area of expertise if you also happen to specialize in local SEO.

  • Optimize your Google Business Profile. Google Business Profile, also known as Google My Business, is essentially a directory for your business. Make sure you have a profile with your business name, description, location, contact information, and other relevant information about your business. If you have a Google Business Profile account, it will be easier to find you online, especially on the local level.
  • Build consistent NAP citations. NAP stands for Name, Address, and Phone Number. These details should be consistent in all your online platforms, such as your website, social media profiles like Facebook accounts and pages, and business profiles like your Google Business Profile account. Inconsistencies can make it more difficult to find and contact you.
  • Target local keywords. Look for local keywords, such as the name of the city you are operating in and your relevant SEO products and services. Incorporate these into your website and other online content. You can also optimize your titles, meta tags, headers, and the content themselves.

3. Leverage the power of networking

Networking is an often-underrated way to get high-quality SEO leads since many just go for content marketing and other online executions. Networking is more physical, and it’s arguably more effective in getting connections in specific industries and niches and building relationships.

  • Attend industry and niche events. The industry or niche you are specializing in may have conferences, meetups, and other events where relevant players will be present. These events are perfect opportunities for you to meet potential clients. Engage in conversations, not necessarily selling your SEO products and services upfront. The relationships you form in these events may become real leads and clients down the road.
  • Host webinars and workshops. When you are specializing in an industry or niche, you want the world to know that you are actually an expert in the market, particularly the SEO side of the industry or niche. One way to build and establish your authority is to host webinars and workshops to showcase your expertise.
  • Encourage satisfied clients to refer you to their peers. High-quality SEO leads don’t have to be completely new people that you meet in networking events and workshops. They can also be the peers of your satisfied clients. Ask your satisfied clients to refer you to their peers. Usually, these peers have the same business goals and objectives, pain points, needs, and wants.

4. Get into content marketing

Content marketing is about creating valuable content and distributing it strategically to attract and engage a particular audience. When done effectively, it can be a powerful method for generating high-quality SEO leads.

  • Write educational and informative content. You can create content that educates audiences about SEO best practices, trends, and even benefits. When relevant audiences find your SEO content educational and informative, they are more likely to view your SEO agency or business as an authority. And if they view you in a good light, they are more likely to convert to real SEO clients.
  • Address typical challenges and pain points. When you are developing your SEO content, make sure you are addressing specific challenges and pain points your target audiences are experiencing. This places you as a solution provider and problem solver. High-quality leads are more likely to reach out to you if they view you this way.
  • Create valuable content offers and lead magnets. You can make additional content in exchange for information, such as your audience’s contact details. Additional content can come in many forms, such as ebooks, whitepapers, or even exclusive industry or niche reports. Since these audiences willingly give you their details, they will be considered high-quality leads because they seem to be genuinely interested in what you have to offer. For instance, you could offer an exclusive report on the latest industry trends or a comprehensive guide on leveraging SEO strategies through Press Release Services to capture the attention of potential clients.

5. Write case studies

Articles on your website’s blog are great at building authority and showing your expertise. But case studies are even better. Case studies are real-world examples of your success. They prove that your authority and expertise are not just theoretical but also practical. You are not just book smart. You actually deliver real and tangible results.

  • Share success stories from other clients. High-quality SEO leads are serious in looking for an SEO partner. And of course, one of their requirements is that you actually know what you are doing. There is no better way to show this than previous success. Share the stories of your other satisfied clients. When high-quality SEO leads know you can deliver, they are more likely to become real clients.
  • Include metrics and data. While sharing success stories, don’t forget to include numbers. They are some of the most solid ways to track performance, whether it is on website traffic, rankings, or even ROI from the client’s perspective. Data and metrics provide specificity in your success stories. Specifics are persuasive because the readers will be able to completely see your effectiveness.
  • Showcase specific achievements that align with your industry and niche. Don’t just share random success stories. Share success stories that are relevant to the industry and niche you are targeting. Leads from this industry and niche will be more trusting of you if they know you have experience in their field and that you can deliver results.

6. Maintain a strong brand and online presence

If you maintain a strong brand and online presence, you can establish yourself as a trusted and respected resource in the SEO field, which will naturally draw high-quality SEO leads interested in your products and services. Present a consistent and professional image, showcase your thought leadership, and actively engage with your target audience.

  • Be consistent and professional. High-quality clients and customers are often looking for high-quality counterparts. This is why they are looking for consistency and professionalism. Make sure you are consistent in your branding across all your online platforms, from your website to your social media profiles. This conveys a sense of stability to all your viewers. And of course, make sure that your messaging and visual elements are professional.
  • Be a thought leader. Publish high-quality content on your online platforms. They can be blog posts, social media posts, whitepapers, and even webinars. They are great at showcasing your SEO expertise, addressing industry and niche challenges, and connecting with your target audience – all of these are effective at attracting high-quality SEO leads.
  • Engage and interact with your audience. Your online presence is a two-way street. Don’t just post and forget. Actually engage with your audience in the comment section. And they don’t even have to be the first to reach out. Start conversations in forums and other spaces where your audience is. When you show your commitment to client interaction, you will get the attention of SEO leads looking for responsive partners.

7. Try targeted advertising

Advertising can be an effective way to attract high-quality SEO leads. By targeting specific demographics and niches, you can reach SEO leads who are more likely to be interested in your services and turn into real SEO clients. However, advertising can be tricky. And if you don’t know what you are doing, it can be very ineffective.

  • Define your audience. Define your ideal client first, so you know how to target them. Here are characteristics that you may want to consider: industry, location, business size, and usual pain points. Identify their needs, wants, and behaviors. The client profile you create will help you with your advertising efforts.
  • Choose the right platforms. Not all advertising platforms are the same. You will have better results in your advertising if you use platforms where your target clients actually are. For example, LinkedIn ads may be more effective than Google Ads for your target audience. Research and select the platforms that align with your target clients.
  • Write compelling ad copy. High-quality SEO leads are more likely to respond to ads that address specific challenges and solve specific problems. Craft compelling ad copy that not only presents challenges or problems but also reflects your branding and professionalism. Include a strong call-to-action as well to encourage leads to take the next step.

Get high-quality SEO leads with different strategies

Obtaining high-quality SEO leads is vital to the growth and success of your SEO business, whether you are an agency or individual contractor. Thankfully, there are many techniques you can use, and you can combine them to increase your chances. They will not just help you get high-quality SEO leads but also increase the effectiveness and efficiency of your marketing efforts.


  • Andrew David Scherer

    My name is Andrew David Scherer and I've been involved in digital marketing since 2006.. Feel free to contact me if you have questions about marketing your local clients online, I'm always happy to help and share what I know. I've built local businesses from 0 to 6 figures in sales. Leased, sold, and rented a handful of them. And I've had hundreds of them as clients. Marketer's Center gives digital marketing consultants the ability to easily scale their local marketing agencies in a way that isn't labor-intensive and still very profitable. If you want to get my "6 Month SEO Plan" please request a free reseller dashboard account here. You'll also be able to download a price list for all of the services we offer. You can connect with me via Facebook in our Local Marketing Freethinkers group, or via Twitter and Linkedin.

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